Water, Water, Water!

Perennials and shrubs: Water each plant at and around the base of the plant (goal is to get the root to follow the water down into the soil to help them reach deeper and become stronger) with low pressure for 15-30 seconds, twice a day, for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks make sure to water twice a week until winter sets in.

Trees: If you have new trees this spring, and or late fall from the year prior, be sure to continue watering everyday during the hot season! Watering your trees is going to give them the nutrients they need to fight off this extremely dry period we are in.  Many evergreens are struggling from the lack of snow fall from last winter so we want to give them as much moisture by hand as we can this spring and early summer.  We recommend a slow trickle to completely saturate the tree root system versus an over head pray that will not go deep enough to get the tree the moisture it requires.

Are You Watering Too Much, Or Too Little?
Tip! Before you start watering you can stick your finger about an inch down at the base of the plant to see how saturated the water is from the previous time you watered. If the soil is soaked/completely saturated you can wait to water until the next scheduled time. If it is dry, give it a good soak. If the ground is somewhat saturated, used your best judgment on how much to water or wait until the next day and check the soil again.
Reminder: Over head sprinkling or rain typically only saturate the ground surface an inch or so deep (depending on the amount and time frame). Keep in mind your plant’s root system is anywhere from 6” to 12” deep (much deeper for trees). It is important to get water and nutrients to the entire root system.
Spring Watering! You may not notice your plants starting to show life again until early June. Grasses, roses and other shrubs can be late to the game, but will still develop into a beautiful plant by mid-summer time.  Don’t make the mistake of assuming a plant is dead, keep providing it the nutrients needed until you are certain. If it is a grass or rose, you want to make sure you have properly trimmed it so that the new growth can fill in.